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Office Oasis: Essential Maintenance Tips for Thriving Indoor Plants in the Workplace

Indoor Plants in the Workplace: Discover key maintenance tips to keep your office plants healthy and create a vibrant, thriving workspace.
Published:  August 12, 2024

Creating a vibrant, healthy office environment can be challenging, but incorporating indoor plants can transform your workspace into a thriving oasis. The benefits of indoor plants in the workplace are numerous, including increased productivity, stress reduction, and improved air quality perception. 

For busy office managers, practical, low-maintenance solutions are essential. Companies like GreenMountain GreenWalls specialize in seamlessly blending the splendor of the outdoors with your indoor spaces, offering the expertise and services needed to create and maintain an office oasis.

Imagine lush green walls or background boosting your team's morale and purifying the air. Doesn’t it sound great? It definitely does, but maintaining indoor plants in an office can be tricky. However, you can stay relaxed as GreenMountain GreenWalls is here to cover you with all the essential tips to maintain the health and vibrancy of your office living wall plants.

GreenMountain GreenWalls - Tips for Thriving Indoor Plants in the Workplace

Choosing the Right Plants for Your Office Oasis

When planning to turn your office into a green oasis, the first step is to pick the right plants based on the space and your requirements. Some smart choices can ensure you a fantastic looking office with well thriving plants all over. 

Assessing Your Office's Light Conditions

One of the most crucial aspects to consider before selecting plants for your office space is to figure out its light condition. If your office gets abundant natural light, it is great for any indoor plants. 

Generally south-facing windows provide abundant natural light compared to the north-facing ones. So, if you have dim corners, select plants that can grow in low light conditions and if you have bright spots, sun-loving varieties are definitely your cup of tea.

Low-Maintenance Plant Options for Busy Offices

Indoor plants maintenance is not a tough thing, you can find multiple plants that require minimal care but provide amazing aesthetics and greenery. Some of them are listed below:

  • Snake Plants (Sansevieria): These plants are perfect for low light spots and can thrive well despite occasional watering. 
  • Pothos: Heart-shaped leaves, trailing vines, and adaptability to various light conditions, minimal watering requirement - all these make the Pothos a perfect choice for your office space.
  • ZZ Plants (Zamioculcas zamiifolia): Comes with dark green, glossy leaves, these plants are perfect picks for the busy offices. They can survive in low to bright light conditions and need minimal watering and maintenance.

Considering Plant Size and Growth Habits

Another thing that you need to consider while selecting an office living wall plant, is the growth habit and size of the plants. Before proceeding, you need to decide where you want to place your plants. 

If you are planning to decorate shelves and desks with plants, go for air plants or small succulents. To add more grace and elegance to your space, place peace lilies or any other medium-sized plants on sideboards or tables.

Finally, if you are planning to keep the plants on floors, choosing big plants like Dracaena or Monstera can be perfect. Matching the plant size with the space that you want to decorate will offer a balanced look. So, choose the right plants for your office and set the stage for a thriving indoor garden that’s easy to maintain.

Optimizing Your Office Environment for Plant Success

Let’s face it, office environments are not the suitable ones for plants to thrive naturally. So, you need to make a few adjustments for indoor plants maintenance.

Now that you know which plants are right for your office space, here are the tips to optimize the atmosphere for a successful office living plantation:

Managing Light Levels: Natural Light vs. Artificial Light Solutions

Indoor plants thrive best in natural light, but if your office space lacks the abundance of sunlight, nothing to worry about. You can use LED grow lights as a substitute for sunlight as they help in photosynthesis of your plants. All you need to do is place the lights above your plants for at least 12-16 hours a day.

Humidity Hacks for Dry Office Air

Office air can be dry due to air conditioning. However, tropical plants love humidity, so you can try these tricks to keep them healthy and green:

  • Pebble Trays

Place a layer of pebbles in a shallow tray and add water until it just covers the pebbles. Set your plant pots on top of the pebbles. As the water evaporates, it will increase the humidity around your plants, creating a micro-habitat that helps them thrive.

  • Grouping Plants

You can create a mini greenhouse effect by clustering the plants together. It will allow them to release moisture naturally through transpiration. Therefore, grouping plants closely helps create a humid environment.

  • Misting

One of the cool techniques to boost the humidity of your plants is to misting them regularly. You can use a spray bottle to mist the leaves of your indoor plants, but try to keep it light as overmisting the plants can cause mildew and mold buildup on them. 

  • Water Bowls

Another way to maintain the humidity of your indoor plants is to keep water bowls near them. The water will evaporate and add moisture to the air, thereby improving the humidity of your plants at an affordable cost.  

Temperature Considerations and Avoiding Drafts

Another way to optimize your office for indoor plants is to regulate the temperature properly. Maintaining a consistent temperature between 18 and 24 degrees Celsius or 64 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit can be ideal. Keep the plants away from heaters and AC vents to avoid frequent temperature changes. 

Create a supportive thriving environment for your office plants by managing the temperature, humidity, and light conditions.

GreenMountain GreenWalls - Tips for Thriving Indoor Plants in the Workplace

Transform Your Workspace: Embrace the Green Revolution

Ready to start? Then, follow the above guidelines and seek assistance from the experts, GreenMountain GreenWalls, for an elegant office living wall plants. From choosing the right plants to ongoing maintenance, we’re your green allies.

Remember, creating an office oasis is a journey. Regularly check your plants, adjust their care, and enjoy the transformation they bring to your workplace.

Transform Your Office Today!

Ready to enhance your office with thriving indoor plants? Schedule a free consultation with GreenMountain GreenWalls today! Let’s create a beautiful, green oasis in your workplace. Embrace the green revolution and transform your office into a vibrant, healthy, and inspiring space.

GreenMountain GreenWalls

147 Vermont Route 15, Unit A
Jericho, VT 05465

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